Tuesday, 17 February 2009

Doing a Freaksho!

Whether u fat o
whether u thin...
just dey move yea
move yea,
and get in the music...
- Omawumi "In The Music"

I'm so feeling this song at the mo, along with the next song that will start my next post, which will come soon (

English 101- Doing a freaksho; means the art of leaving a company before confirmation for another company where the pay is better, conditions probably better and one is likely to get promoted DUE to hardwork in 6 months.

Now that you guys know what the title of my post means, I'm sure I do not even need to explain myself any further.

Yes I'll be leaving my new job, No i'm not disloyal, I actually found it difficult breaking the news to my young attractive bosses (all married by the way, mcheeew), Yes, they are still trying to convince me to stay, No, I wont allow myself to be convinced, Yes, the pay is twice as much as what I currently earn, No, it's not just because of the money, it's actually a job I've been after since I graduated.

Did I leave anything out?


Freaksho, thanx for making the creation of this word or statement or whatever it is possible, i dedicate this post to u

Will be back sooner than y'all think with my lowdown on my weekend at Naija's version of Martha's Vineyard OR The Hampton's.



bumight said...


should i be expecting the Western Union? - from both u and freaksho!

Smaragd said...


was about to write on ur blog that u've been AWOL.

just send the account number

~Sirius~ said...

Hell! I'd love to do a Freaksho too.....


Nothing better than a dream come true........Feel sorry for the young married lads though.

Flowers and Poetry said...

Been dying to do a "freaksho" ever since it dawned on me that 9-5 is grossly over rated.

I'm getting confirmed at the end of the month, the pay is fantastic but if my freaksho opportunity rears its lovely head before then, I'll jump on it without a second thought oh !

Smaragd said...

SIRIUS, u thanx... the young married lads will bounce back in a bit jo.

F&P, doing a freaksho is quite liberating! u should try it.

FREAKSHO, i know u havent commented, but hey, b4 u kill me, i just made u a star!

Zayzee said...

is that what doing a freaksho means? then thats what i did last year o. spent a month and a week at my job with the big grand title for another that had all i wanted (except the moving to abeokuta part sha)and giving me all the time in the world to play while im been paid. this is life.


didnt know it was omawunmi that sang that song. love it too.

Smaragd said...

ZAYZEE, a month and a half ke? then i should change it to "doing a Zayzee"

i was in abeokuta over the weekend, it was sooo much fun! how is Cave man na?

Zayzee said...

i have updated. check to see if you passed my truths and lie

Jinta said...

congratulations o. stay if your current attractive bosses can quadrupule your salary.

Afrobabe said...

Congrats sweetie...yeeeeeee now you can take me out when I hit naija...

Parakeet said...

Lol, you cant be disloyal. like.

Anonymous said...

congrats my dear Esmeralda.

Rebirth said...

been a while..... how r u? congrats dearie. so hen r we washing it?

Toluwa said...

i love the vid of dt song too...

congrats on ur new job!

Rita said...

Congrats! Enjoy the new's a long awaited dream come true

Chris Ogunlowo said...

It was nice meeting you too.

doll (retired blogger) said...

Havent heard the omawunmi song. Gd luck freakshoing

Freaksho said...

… und Sie bildete gerade meinen Namen synonym mit 'untreues employee'.

ablackjamesbond said...

Nne, come wash am now. you know where to find me.

miz-cynic said...

crazy ge!me i dnt pity employers o...its a dog eat dog world out thr....wen they wana they remember all this...abegi!

tankojjetty said...

congratulations....go for it abeg
nothing ventured nothing gained

ibiluv said...

Love the song

so u took the job???......the one we discussed????

CONGRATS Twinny!!!!!!!!

glad for you....enjoy your new job...especially the earning big bucks part......*wink*

Smaragd said...

Thank you all jare my pipu... I'm glad I have your

FREAKSHO, bitte verzeih mir, du bist jetzt auf einer Weise, ein "Legend"

LG said...

congrats dear'


why do u work when u can just buy a colour copier and mint your own money? buy yourself a micro-printing press and sack your boss for good. goodluck, anyway.

Buttercup said...

aww..congratulations! i wish u all the best. mwah!!!!

The Activist said...

Loving that song too.

Follow your heart my dear. Try and see where your dream will take you to first. It's suicidal not to try...


teebay said...


wish all d best o

so u dont giv us another definition on ur next post..

Afrobabe said...

lmao @ no serious...freakshow gone wrong indeed...hahahahahha..

Smaragd no mind am oh.

InCogNaija said...

I mean, i knew my bills will get paid somehow but i did not know God was going to come at me this way...Baba God, i thank you o.
Oya, make it happen mami!!!

Jaguda said...

the only thing constant in this world is change so if u see an opportunity paying 2ce as much and its what u really wanna do, i say go for it. welldone. no sentiments.


Omo Oba, ki lo de? Na waaaaa ohhh.

* * *
Mii komment has bin safed, hand will be fiisible after di owner appruvaal.

Miss Definitely Maybe said...

Congratulations on the new job
hope you find its better in more ways than just double the pay
the sky is definitely not the limit for you.

anonymous gal(retired blogger) said...

i will send my acc no to u. God loves a cheerful giver

anonymous gal(retired blogger) said...

i will send my acc no to u. God loves a cheerful giver

simplegal said...

Congrats!!! I'm happy for you hun.

FineBoy Agbero said...

hmmm.... congrats o! e ku igbadun!

CaramelD said...

In these hard times, one has to look after oneself oh jare. Congratulations!


D-a-r-l-i-n-g, it's my first time on your blog. I can't comment. I don't know you yet / well - how you write, why you blog, if you Personal Assistant blogs on your behalf, etc. These days of cold / computer virus, I just don't want to catch anything. Consider this as my "wait and see" comment. Okay? Remember when you mama told you not to talk to strangers? It's something like that here - about not knowing a person well and commenting on their blog. You get me? Its like sex on a first date. Some people won't. I would. I wouldn't comment on a blog on the first time. There's a huge difference between sex and commenting on a blog on the first time on the page... With sex, there's instant gratification, but with commenting on a blog, one gets zilch. I'd feel d-i-r-t-y, used and abused... So, darling,... maybe next time, ..maybe,.. but d-e-f-i-n-i-t-e-l-y not tonight that is my first time here. I have standards and reputation to maintain. Ciao.

* * *

Mii komment has bin safed, hand will be fiisible after di owner appruvaal.

Joy Isi Bewaji said...

congrats dear!
join the club *wink*


congrats. Go get yours!


Buttercup said...

hey sis! u ok????


Aboki, make you vote for me for winner of The Worthless And Meaningless Naija Bloggers Award (a.k.a Backlink Generator). I go give you flenty, flenty contract to build Internet Super Expressway.

InCogNaija said...

i 'think' i love your blog...but you need to update joo! before my throbbing e-heart looses momentum. lol!

Buttercup said...

Sis mi, dont u know we are DYING for an update?????

Tigeress said...

congrats on the new job. Hope u're liking it. :) I praying desperately to God for a new job.

TDVA said...

finally found you.